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Privacy Notices

Therapy privacy notices

These are the Privacy Notices that cover the supply of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy services provided online (the Service) through (the Site) and our research and product development activities.

Website privacy notice

These Privacy Notices cover personal information processing of data collected via the Site and/ or direct marketing/ business development emails, and reflect legal requirements and regulations.

Research and your data

At ieso, we believe that everyone should have access to effective mental healthcare, when and where they need it. We want to make therapy as good as it can be – so that everyone receives the support that is right for them, first time.

We do this by providing types of therapy that already have a strong evidence base to show that they work. We then invest heavily in research to understand how to make therapy as effective as possible, for as many people as possible.

By analysing patterns in the minimum, aggregated, de-identified data from thousands of patients, our scientists and clinicians can learn how our patients’ treatment outcomes relate to the therapy they are given. This enables us to discover more about the causes of mental health conditions, and why different people respond better to different types of therapy. We use this information to make our existing products and services more effective, and to develop new ones.  

We are committed to being transparent about how we collect, use, retain, share and protect patient data for treatment and research, so that you can understand the benefits and risks, and make informed choices about how your data is used.


It’s natural to have an interest in your treatment. People often want to know what we do, how it works and whether it will work for them. Here’s our take on some of the questions we often come across. If you don't see your question here, get in touch with us by submitting a question through our contact page here. We’ll be glad to help.


ieso is committed to delivering a high quality service. The views and experiences of the people that use our service are important to us and help us in the process of continuous quality improvement.

Cookies for websites

This cookies policy explains how we use cookies on There are separate, different cookies policies on our therapy sites in connection with receiving our online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) services.


This demonstrates ieso has been granted the Cyber Essentials Plus certification for IT security compliance, ISO 27001 certification for information security management system (ISMS) and ISO 13485 certification for medical device management.

Terms and Conditions

These are the terms for the supply of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy services provided online (the Services) through (or such other websites we may make available to you for providing the Services) (Site).

For patients

Opt out choices

ieso is committed to empowering patients to make their own decisions over how their data is used. The decision you make impacts the care and service we provide.


We prioritise accessibility and inclusivity when designing our products and services. We believe that everyone should have access to high-quality mental health support in a way that works for them.